Thursday, September 14, 2006

T minus 5 weeks....

Well, I leave for Germany 5 weeks from today. That's very strange to me. After deciding more than a year and a half ago to go to Germany this fall, I still feel like I have several months to get ready. Somehow it should still be April, not mid-September.

Last weekend was a good weekend. I had the chance to attend the ladies' retreat at College church on Saturday, which I thought was quite appropriate considering it was the retreat 2 years ago that first got me seriously thinking and praying about going to Germany. Saturday's retreat served as the second bookend for my preparations.

Saturday evening I cleaned out my office at the library and visited with a few friends in town. I even had the chance to catch most of the Ohio State vs. Texas game (Go Bucks!). Too bad it wasn't the Michigan game, but it was lots of fun anyway, Chris and Kathy.

At church Sunday morning, there was a send-off prayer for me (thanks so much, Chris!) followed by the singing of "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." It was a wonderful way to end my time in Searcy, as well as a chance to say goodbye to a lot of people who have meant a great deal to me over the past few years. I even received hugs from several people I had never met. It's good to know that fellow Christians, even if they don't know me, are concerned for me and for the Lord's work overseas.

After all of the goodbyes I said and the packing I did (not to mention the limited amount of sleep I'd had for several days), there was no way I could drive the entire 10 hours to my parents' house that day, so I stopped in Nashville to spend the night with my friend, Claire. By the time I arrived I was a bit slap-happy and not exactly thinking straight. It was by the grace of God that I made it there without causing an accident or getting pulled over. After a good night's rest, I then drove the rest of the way to my parents' house on Monday.

Please continue to pray for me over the next few weeks as I finish getting ready to leave. There are still a lot of little details I need to work out, not to mention the actual packing! Please also pray for Mark and Karen Abercrombie, who have been in Bremen for 3 weeks now. They have now found an apartment, but Mark is still in language school and I know they are still adjusting to life there.

On a side note, please pray that my sister, Amanda, finds a job soon. She's been through several interviews for one job, but she hasn't yet received a response from them. She needs to find something soon, for her sake as well as ours! :-)

PS ~ Happy birthday to a certain someone who I have a feeling would rather not be mentioned here. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, just wanted you to know I ate a Krackle in your memory. Hope you are enjoying your time off and getting prepared for your big life changing experience. It will be nice to keep up with you this way.