Saturday, September 23, 2006

A new addition

Well, as of last night my sister and Matt are officially engaged. I have to say I'm happy for them. They're good for each other.

It is weird, though, to think about my "baby" sister getting married. Somehow in my mind she should still be 14, and my maternal grandmother is the only person I've ever known who got married at age 14.

Even though Amanda and Jacob are both adults, and I'm only 2 and 3 years older than they are, respectively, I guess a part of me will always be that protective older sister who doesn't like to think of her younger siblings growing up and moving on out into the world. I wonder what I'll be like if I ever have kids of my own....

So, anyway, congrats, and welcome to the family, Matt. :-)


Lisa said...

Hi Alicia!

You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow -- Nancy will be here for lectureship and Jenny also flew up for the Branson trip so we'll all be together except for you.

You're missed and loved!


Licia said...

Thanks, Lisa. I really wish I could be there with all of you. I miss you guys! I'm sure Lectureship will be great, especially Nancy's sessions. Have fun, and say hello for me!