Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Never a dull moment

The past week has been very full. Saturday morning I went with my mom to a friend's house and saw a young woman I went to high school with. I haven't seen her since we graduated over 6 years ago, and apparently she never really knew I was even in her class. I, however, recognized her as soon as she walked in, though it took me a minute to place her. (Yes, I'm a bit weird in that and many other respects.) It was definitely a trip down memory lane.

Saturday afternoon I went to a baby shower for my friend Rhonda's sister. I last saw Rachelle, the one having the baby, last October. Since then she got engaged and married and is now expecting a baby. It's amazing how quickly life changes. It's probably been a couple years since I last saw Rhonda, but she's one of those friends who I can go a year without talking to and then run into and it's like no time has passed. We don't intentionally do that, but I guess life just...happens and the next thing we know it's been 2 years since we last spoke.

I spent Monday morning volunteering at the public library where my mom works. If there is such a thing as destiny, mine apparently is working in libraries. My mom needs some extra help getting caught up on several projects, and she decided I would be the perfect one for the job. So, I told her I'd volunteer Monday and Thursday mornings. I worked there during summer and Christmas vacations several years ago, so I already know most of the people, and the work is more-time consuming and tedious than difficult. All-in-all it should work out pretty well.

Monday night my family had a big scare. We got a phone call a little after 10 PM from my brother Jacob saying that he had slid off the road while driving home. What we found out as the story unfolded was that Jacob had lost control of his pickup, spun around 3 times on the interstate, and then slid sideways about 100 feet down an embankment. He finally came to rest in a drainage ditch. I know the Lord was with him because he didn't hit another car while spinning, and the tow truck driver who pulled the pickup back onto the road told him it was a miracle his truck didn't roll down the hill. The cop who stopped to help walked with Jacob down the road, and they found a low place that was filled with water, so they figure Jacob hit that spot just right and hydroplaned. Jacob made it through the whole ordeal with only a bump on his head and shoulder when they hit the driver's side window. And, his truck seems to be fine as well. We are very thankful things weren't as bad as they could have been.

Yesterday we got a phone call saying that Iva, a young woman from church, was in premature labor. Her baby was not due for another 2 months, and the doctors said that they didn't think the baby's lungs were developed enough for him to be born. After a long struggle yesterday, I heard this morning that they finally delivered the baby by C-section, and so far he looks okay. Please pray for baby Daniel and for Iva and her husband as they recover and struggle through this.

In between everything else, I've been working on getting some more things organized for leaving. There always seems to be some other detail I've overlooked. I guess life's never dull, is it? I don't think I'd prefer a boring life, though. With a full life there are that many more chances to see God working on a daily basis. And who would want to miss that?

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