Monday, October 23, 2006

Gruesse aus Bremen!

*** I need to say that I actually posted this on November 2nd, not October 23rd. I started writing the post on that day and wasn't able to finish, so I saved it to finish later. It now won't let me change the date. So, here's my correction. :-) ***

Yes, I'm still alive. :-) I'm in Bremen, and I really meant to post before now, but things have been a bit crazy as I've been adjusting to living here and dealing with all the frustrations that come with that.

Mom, Dad, and Amanda went with me to the airport in Cincinnati on October 19th. We had lunch together in the airport after I checked in, and the farewell went smoothly...until I had to enter the line at security. That's when the tears came. For all four of us. I finally waved goodbye, walked away, and was trying to compose myself when the woman checking my passport and boarding pass asked if I was under age 18. I just looked at her and finally said, "No. I'm 24." Her eyebrows went up in surprise and then she said, "That's okay. People usually think I'm younger than I am, too."

The trip itself was fairly uneventful, though it took 19 hours. I had a 3-hour layover in the Amsterdam airport, which was interesting. We went through Amsterdam both to and from Bremen for the 6-week campaign 3 years ago, and those are the only times I've been there. I was with my group then, and Chuck led us through the airport, so this trip was a new adventure for me because I had to navigate the airport alone. It was the first time I've had to change planes outside the U.S. by myself. Schipol Airport is well-arranged, so it's not difficult to find your way around; what was hard was being there alone. I looked around at one point and felt very, very small. I'm convinced that airport is larger than some towns. When you add in the fact that the people inside the airport literally are from all over the world and are speaking every language from Dutch and German to Russian and Turkish, you quickly realize how relatively small and insignificant you are, at least in the world's eyes.

I finally landed in Bremen on Friday, October 20th. I followed the crowd into the airport to baggage claim and saw Mark and Karen Abercrombie and several people from the church waiting for me...on the other side of a glass wall. I quickly realized I was going to have to get my bags off the belt and get them outside by myself because only passengers were allowed in the baggage claim area, and I already was carrying my backpack, a carry-on suitcase, and my coat. Finally I saw that other people had luggage carts, so I found one of those and waited for my bags. Just as I was beginning to worry that they had been lost somewhere along the trip, both of my suitcases appeared. Now, you have to realize that my bags were bulky and weighed 65 and 66 pounds, and I am only 5' 4'' and not the world's strongest person. I somehow managed to wrangle my suitcases onto the cart and make my way out the door to be greeted by Mark's video camera. He apparently wanted to capture the entire event for posterity's sake. He also laughed at the spectacle I made of myself as I maneuvered my bags off the conveyer belt. By that point I was so tired I didn't have a comeback. The Abercrombies, Stefanie, Wolfgang and Helga, Ingrid, and I went back to Ingrid's apartment (where we had planned for me to stay) and had a good time visiting over cake and coffee. It was a nice end to all of my travel time.

Thus began my time in Germany. The days (almost weeks!) since then have been one learning experience after another. One might think that grocery shopping in Germany would be fairly similar to grocery shopping in the U.S., but think again. Some bottles require you to pay a Pfand (a security fee) when you purchase them, and if you return the bottles to the store after you've used whatever was inside them you get your money back. And buying produce is an adventure all on its own. When you decide to buy fresh fruits or veggies, you have to place them in a bag and weigh them on a special scale; push a button with a number that corresponds to the one printed on the shelf where you found the food; and put a label that prints from the scale on the bag containing your produce. Mark and Karen have said that if you don't do this (as they did when they first arrived) the cashier will become very irate, get up from her chair, and run through the store to do for you what you should have done for yourself. Whew.

I have also learned which bus passes to buy and when I need to buy them. A bus pass here is also good for the street cars, and since I obviously don't have a car and need to depend on public transportation, the busses and street cars have become my greatest resource. I've become very familiar with several of the routes and have finally mastered the art of reading the schedules, which at first glance look like one big jumble of numbers. Yesterday Karen told me that on the web page for the BSAG you can enter your points of origin and destination and the date and time you wish to travel, and it will tell you which route to take and which stops are closest for you. I think I have discovered a new friend!

Jim and Elsa returned to Bremen from Chemnitz on Saturday, Oct. 21st, the day after I arrived, but at church the next day is the only time I've spoken with them so far because they were preparing to leave for the U.S. on Tuesday the 24th. We ate lunch together with some other people after church, and Elsa reminded me of my "mission" while they're gone: I must practice my German and get to know the Christians in the congregation here. While every day has been full of opportunities to practice the language, I have found it difficult so far to get to know people outside of church services since I'm living with Ingrid right now. I can't really invite people to Ingrid's home, and I'm uncomfortable inviting myself to other peoples' homes. So, I've added a task to my agenda: I have to find my own apartment. Elsa thought I could wait to do this until after they return from the States in a few weeks, but I feel a need to get settled somewhere. After moving out of my apartment in June, house-sitting for the rest of the summer, and staying with my parents for several weeks, I'm feeling a bit homeless. I really need a space to call my own where I can put my things away.

So, I've begun yet another learning experience. Finding an apartment here is nothing like finding one in the U.S. The only place you can really find apartments for rent is in the newspaper, so Ingrid and others have been bringing me the Immobilienmarkt pages from the Wednesday and Saturday papers. Looking through the offers alone was difficult because there are about 30 different abbreviations used to describe the apartments. Some say "2 ZKB" (2 rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom), while others say they are an "App." (an efficiency apartment). Ingrid was a great help in deciphering both the abbreviations and the meanings of the full words. For example, I did not know what "EBK" stood for, and when I asked Ingrid she said it was an Einbaukueche. My next question was, "What's an Einbaukueche?" When she said it's a built-in kitchen, I knew I had to have one in my apartment. I came to Bremen planning to find a furnished apartment since I'm only planning to stay two years and don't want to have to buy furniture. I have almost given up hope of finding a furnished place because there just aren't that many of them available. So, I've resigned myself to having to get furniture somehow, but I definitely do NOT want to have to buy cabinets and appliances for the kitchen. Yes, that's right. Most apartments here come with only the walls, floors, ceilings, doors, and windows. The wiring and plumbing are there, and the bathroom should have a toilet and a bathtub or shower (though not necessarily a sink), but the kitchen is usually bare. Thus, the lack of an Einbaukueche has become my dealbreaker.

After I looked through the paper and found several prospects, I had to conquer one of my greatest fears: making a phone call in German. Talking in person with someone in a foreign language is difficult enough, but when you can't see their face or read their gestures, it's even more unnerving. I finally had to say to myself, if you want to find an apartment, you have to do this. You can't see a place unless you talk to someone and make an appointment. So, I picked up the phone and dialed numbers, half-praying that no one would answer. Several people have answered, and I looked at one apartment yesterday (Though it's too large for what I need and is therefore too expensive. It also doesn't have an Einbaukueche.), and I have appointments tonight and tomorrow morning to see others. So, I feel like I'm slowly on my way. One foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

Now that this post has surpassed the length which anyone wants to read at one sitting, I'll stop. :-) Thank you all for your emotional, prayer, and financial support. I can't explain how much I appreciate all of you. Now that I've established some sense of a routine here, I will be better about posting and emailing. Also, I'd love to hear from you. I want to be sure to keep up with what's going on in your life.

For now I'll leave you with this picture of the garden behind Ingrid's apartment building. I took the picture from her kitchen window (she lives on the 3rd floor). Gott mit Euch!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"All my bags are packed. I'm ready to go...."

Ok, so that's a lie. My bags aren't packed yet, and I'm not quite ready to go.

It's hard to believe I can now say this, but here it is: I leave for Germany tomorrow. That just hasn't sunk in for me yet. Where exactly does time go?

I feel like I've done nothing the past three days except run errands. Yesterday we had family pictures taken. This was the last time we could do that with just the five of us since I'm leaving and Amanda is getting married next summer. Then today my mom and I transferred the registration for my car into her name. It was just a little sad because it was my first car. I went through high school and four years of college without a car, so the Sentra meant a lot to me. Besides that, it's just a good little car. While we were at the government building I tried to renew my driver's license too, but they wouldn't let me since it doesn't actually expire until next July. So, I guess that's one more thing to add to the agenda when I come back for Amanda's wedding.

Several people have asked me recently how I'm feeling about going to Germany, and honestly I don't really have any strong feelings right now. I think the busyness of preparing to go has overwhelmed everything else. A bit of nervous excitement has set in, and because of that I haven't slept well for the past four or five days, but other than that I'm doing okay so far. We'll see what tomorrow's trip to the airport brings, though....

Thank you all for your encouragement, well-wishes, concerns, and prayers. They are much appreciated and needed. Thanks also to those of you who have contributed financially to this effort. I firmly believe that mission work is a partnership. God calls some to go and others to stay. It takes all of these people working together to accomplish the Lord's work. So, I appreciate your desire to spread the gospel in Germany and for partnering with me.

Since my suitcases are looking lonely and I still have much to do, I bid you farewell for now. See you on the other side of "the pond...."

Friday, October 13, 2006

One more week....

Pursuant to a decision I made before leaving Searcy, today began my "one more" week.

I'm really having trouble understanding how it's come down to this. At the end of January last year, I made the decision to commit 2 years of my life to mission work in Germany. I guess it's always been something looming somewhere out there in the future but hasn't really been tangible. Well, in less than a week it will be.

The next few days are going to be a flurry of sorting clothes and other belongings, packing of some of those belongings, spending, "one more" moments with family, and taking care of the last-minute logistics of going. My mom and I have been trying to figure out how I can pack my winter coat (which is down-filled and quite puffy) and still fit my other things in my suitcases, but I think the weather has answered that question for us, at least. If it stays as cold as it was today, I'll need to wear my coat on the plane.

Several people have asked me over the past month or so if I'm getting excited about going to Germany. My response generally has been that I'm really too preoccupied with the preparations to realize that I'm actually leaving so soon, so no, the excitement has not hit me yet. Over the past week I finally pin-pointed a more accurate answer: "I'm not excited about leaving, but I'm excited about going." While that seems a bit redundant and contradictory (if those two words can be used to describe the same sentence), it really is true. "Leaving" places the emphasis on your current location while "going" focuses on your destination. I'm sad to leave my family and friends here, but I'm excited about the opportunities God has set before me in Germany. So, I don't want to leave, but I want to go.

Please pray for me as I go through the next few days. I'm trying to be patient with myself and my family, and it's difficult sometimes. I know that while I'm dealing with the stress of preparing to go, they're coping with the stress of me leaving. Both are difficult.

Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me. :-) Gott mit Euch!

Monday, October 09, 2006

What a weekend....

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." --Romans 1:20

This has been a very full weekend. I'm trying to visit as many family members as possible before leaving next week, so yesterday we spent the day in eastern Kentucky at my mom's dad and stepmom's house. We had to take two cars because Matt and Jacob's girlfriend, Candace, came with us, and one of those cars happened to be mine, so I drove. It's about a two and a half hour trip one way, but it's BEAUTIFUL this time of year. We have to drive through part of Daniel Boone National Forest to get to my grandparents' house, and as we weaved in and out of the hills, it looked like someone had splashed a new autumnal portrait on each hillside. The lakes were crystal clear, and the reflection of the leaves on the water made the whole scene even prettier. Even though the leaves won't reach their peak for probably another week or so, you can definitely tell that fall is here.

Mom's oldest brother and his wife and daughter were there along with mom's sister and her daughter. Mom's other brother's family lives in Texas, and her sister's husband had to work, so they weren't there, but Papaw's twin sister came, and so did their only surviving brother and his wife, as well as one of mom's cousins. We all had lunch and then played a few games of cornhole. I had never heard of this game until summer this year when my family talked about playing it. Essentially it's like horseshoes, only instead of throwing horseshoes at a post you throw bags of corn at a wooden box with a hole in the top of it. I discovered once again that, while I had fun and enjoyed the time with family, God did not bless me with athletic ability. :-)

As the afternoon was winding down, I walked down the hill toward the pond in front of Papaw's house and stood for a little while, just watching. We usually can see a few fish jumping to catch bugs, but yesterday the water was calm. As the sun began to find its way back home and the first hints of dusk rolled in, a quiet breeze gently rippled the pond's surface. I thought of Genesis 1:2 when "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Surely the Beginning had to be something like the peace I was experiencing.

I drove again on the way home, and that trip through the hills was even more magnificent than the one earlier in the day because the sun was setting. The hues of the sunset blended with those of the trees to create a visual symphony that ebbed and flowed with each twist of the road. I thought of Romans 1:20. Only God's "eternal power and divine nature" could have created something so magnificent. How can anyone look at the world around them and not see God's majesty? According to Paul in Romans, they can't.

After a long day, it was nice to get some sleep. The night was short, though, because at a little past 5:30 this morning, we awoke to a phone call from a county dispatcher asking us to verify an address because she thought our neighbor's house was on fire. My mom ran outside to check, and sure enough, smoke was billowing from the back of the house next door. A police officer was already there, and the family was outside in their driveway. Yvonne, the wife, was very distraught and kept trying to walk away, so my dad caught up with her to attempt to console her. The lone police officer was shortly joined by at least 4 fire engines, an ambulance, and several county sheriff cars. Mom gave Yvonne a coat, and we took her inside our house to try to comfort her while the fire crews went to work and Dad stayed outside with Brice, Yvonne's husband. For awhile the three of us just sat in the living room, not talking much. After a bit of small talk about the situation, Yvonne looked straight at me and said through soft tears, "Never leave the Lord. Never leave the Lord because you make bad decisions when you do." I just nodded because I had no idea what to say.

The firemen were able to contain the fire to one side of the basement, so the house was saved. The family won't be able to live there for awhile, though, due to the damage done by the smoke that filled the house. A representative from the Red Cross came into our house and offered Yvonne assistance, which she ended up taking, so they do have a place to stay for now as well as food and clothing. Please pray for Brice, Yvonne, and their son, Jack, as they try to move on with their lives.

What I will remember most about the situation is not the abrupt end to sleep, the street full of emergency personnel, or the billowing smoke; it's Yvonne's comment to me in the living room. I don't know exactly what prompted the comment, but it was definitely heart-felt. Her words were so simple but so true, so decisive. Who would think that I, the one preparing to go to Germany next week to do mission work, would be in danger of leaving the Lord anytime soon? It made me think anyway, though.

Before Yvonne left, my dad asked if we could pray with and for her, and she agreed. I believe the Lord puts you where He wants you when He wants you to be there, and I think today was one of those times. Hopefully we were able to show Brice and Yvonne a little bit of Jesus' love, and I pray the Lord helps that seed of love grow to become a greater faith.

You know, you don't have to go to Germany or anywhere else to be a missionary; just live your life and take the opportunities God presents in your own neighborhood. Or even right next door.

Friday, October 06, 2006

2 weeks and counting....

Well, 2 weeks from right now I'll be on a plane from Minneapolis to Amsterdam. Wow, time goes by fast.

The fact that I only have 2 more weeks means that I've been at my parents' house for 3 and a half weeks now, and it's hard for me to believe that that much time has passed. Where do the days go?

As I mentioned before, I told my mom that I would volunteer at the library 2 days a week in order to help her get caught up on some projects. I've been doing that, and I've learned a few things during that time:

1) I really enjoy working in libraries. There's just something about the process of preparing information for access by the public and then helping the public use that information that's exciting to me. You get to help people and explore the world around you all at the same time. What else would you rather do day after day?

2) I prefer working in academic libraries. I have nothing against public libraries; they're wonderful organizations that add a lot to their communities. I think it's just the fact that you don't really know who you're going to see walk in the door that gets to me. During my time at Brackett I did have my share of disgruntled patrons who broke doors and people with strange medical problems who chose to share them with everyone on the first floor, but I didn't have experiences nearly as strange as those of my mom and her co-workers. Today someone told us about a woman who walked into an area library with a baby carrier and said she "found this in the parking lot." And yes, there was a baby inside. Apparently a woman drove off and left her infant grandchild in his carrier in the parking lot! Also, public libraries tend to deal with many more stalkers, flashers, fighting school children, and general ne'er-do-wells than any academic library I know of. So, it's academic libraries for me, thanks.

3) I prefer working in the public area of the library. My mom works in technical services where they catalog and process materials for the various branches of the library. Obviously, there would be no library if there weren't people working in this department, but I think I would rather let other people do the job. I like detail-oriented work most of the time, but I just like working with people. Yes, the other employees in the department are people, but there's something about working in the public area helping people find information, even if you don't know what they're going to throw at you. (And sometimes that "throw" is literal!) I've enjoyed this time helping my mom; I just don't think it's something I want to do as a career.

4) I really miss my library family in Searcy. I call them my family because that's what they became. When I couldn't be around my own family, they were there for me. They encouraged me in my job and in my life. They prayed with me, they laughed with me, and they solved crossword puzzles with me. I couldn't ask for better co-workers. They have also been a great source of encouragement to me in my preparation for going to Germany. I told them this summer that, of all the people I'd have to say goodbye to, they would be among the most difficult. Then someone said it's not "goodbye" but "see you later." And that's how I like to think about it. :-)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lifes juxtaposed (and other happenings in my world)

No, that "s" on the end of "life" is not a typo. :-)

Over the past couple of weeks my family has experienced a wide variety of emotions. The week before last, two women from church gave birth. One birth went smoothly while the other was 2 months early and brought some concerns, though everything seems to be going okay now. Then, my sister got engaged and Ms. Lillie, a close family friend, passed away. Last Monday night was Ms. Lillie's visitation and memorial service. My mom and I could only stay for the visitation, though, because we had to meet Amanda for her appointment to look at wedding dresses. It seemed so odd to me to have plans that fell into such opposite ends of the spectrum and for them to occur on the same evening.

As I thought about it, though, I began to realize that while the events of the past 2 weeks seem to have nothing in common, at the core they are exactly the same: each portrays new life.

The births obviously represent new life in its most literal sense --new people entered the world. Matt and Amanda's engagement is the beginning of their preparations for a new life together. And Ms. Lillie's death, while it appears to be the antithesis of life, was her birth into a new eternal life outside of the confines of this physical one.

Maybe I just think too much about things, but it struck me as interesting that things that appear on the surface to be so dissimilar are actually very much alike. Welcome to the oddities of my mind.

In other news...the past week has been full of appointments with insurance companies, research into and decisions about banking options in Germany, and emails between the Springers, the Abercrombies, and myself. The congregation in Bremen expressed concerns over where I will live when I first arrive, so we have been trying to sort that out as well. The initial plan was for me to live in the apartment on the 3rd floor of the church building while I look for my own apartment. It's now looking like I'll be living with Ingrid, a wonderful woman from the church who lives by herself in the house she used to share with her daughter, Hanna. I think this will be a great opportunity for both of us. Ingrid's mother passed away back in the spring, and it sounds like she's a bit lonely. It will be a wonderful opportunity for me to not only get to know Ingrid better but also to learn a lot more about daily German life and culture. Besides that, I can't think of a better way for me to improve my German.

Yesterday afternoon I was gladly surprised to receive a phone call from Elsa Springer. I guess the last time I talked to her was back in July, so it was wonderful to hear from her. After speaking with her, I remembered that yesterday, October 3rd, was the Day of German Unity. (I have a very strange way of remembering dates. My brother once emailed me while I was in Arkansas and asked me when his best friend's birthday was. My response: "February 5th, of course.") On October 3, 1990, East and West Germany reunited as one country, and it's now a national holiday akin to our Fourth of July. So, happy 16th anniversary, Germany! :-)

Saturday was a great day. My family spent the day in Ohio visiting with my dad's family. I hadn't seen any of them since last Christmas. Besides getting to see my grandparents, my dad's brother and sister and their spouses, and 3 of my cousins, I also got to visit with a woman I have always known as "Grandma Flory." She isn't actually my grandmother. When my dad and his siblings were growing up, Mrs. Flory and her late husband served as their foster parents for awhile. Dad, Uncle Bryan, and Aunt Kelli still call her "mom." She's an amazing testimony to the influence adults can have on the lives of young children. Besides that, she's really funny. She's 88 and doesn't get around as well as she used to, but she still speaks her mind whenever she feels the need and is sure to kiss everyone present before she leaves. I hadn't seen her in probably 4 or 5 years, and I was so glad she could come on Saturday. She brought with her a bunch of pictures of my dad and his siblings from when they were kids, as well as some of my dad's drawings from when he lived with the Florys. We all enjoyed laughing at the pictures and admiring Dad's artwork. To round out the day, my mom, Aunt Kelli, and I beat my dad and my grandparents in a showdown of 6-handed Euchre. Then, Ohio State beat Iowa (my apologies to Hannah, Lisa D., and others of my Iowan buddies in Searcy). It was an all-around great day. :-)

Also in the past couple of weeks, I've been attempting to fulfill my sisterly duties in helping Amanda pick out dresses for her wedding. Amanda has asked me to be the maid of honor, so I'll be coming back to the States next July for the "big day."

So, life is busy but blessed. I'm enjoying my time with my family but also eagerly anticipating my work in Bremen. If you have stuck around this long to read this whole post, thank you, and I hope you and yours are doing well. Gott mit Euch!