Friday, October 13, 2006

One more week....

Pursuant to a decision I made before leaving Searcy, today began my "one more" week.

I'm really having trouble understanding how it's come down to this. At the end of January last year, I made the decision to commit 2 years of my life to mission work in Germany. I guess it's always been something looming somewhere out there in the future but hasn't really been tangible. Well, in less than a week it will be.

The next few days are going to be a flurry of sorting clothes and other belongings, packing of some of those belongings, spending, "one more" moments with family, and taking care of the last-minute logistics of going. My mom and I have been trying to figure out how I can pack my winter coat (which is down-filled and quite puffy) and still fit my other things in my suitcases, but I think the weather has answered that question for us, at least. If it stays as cold as it was today, I'll need to wear my coat on the plane.

Several people have asked me over the past month or so if I'm getting excited about going to Germany. My response generally has been that I'm really too preoccupied with the preparations to realize that I'm actually leaving so soon, so no, the excitement has not hit me yet. Over the past week I finally pin-pointed a more accurate answer: "I'm not excited about leaving, but I'm excited about going." While that seems a bit redundant and contradictory (if those two words can be used to describe the same sentence), it really is true. "Leaving" places the emphasis on your current location while "going" focuses on your destination. I'm sad to leave my family and friends here, but I'm excited about the opportunities God has set before me in Germany. So, I don't want to leave, but I want to go.

Please pray for me as I go through the next few days. I'm trying to be patient with myself and my family, and it's difficult sometimes. I know that while I'm dealing with the stress of preparing to go, they're coping with the stress of me leaving. Both are difficult.

Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me. :-) Gott mit Euch!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Ms Adams!
I'm so excited for you! I love you lots and I will be praying for you. :)

Jason T. Carter said...

Guten tag! There should probably be an umlaut over one of those vowels, but it's been years since I've studied German so I can't be sure. I'm looking forward to reading about God's work in Germany, as I'm sure many other members at Summit are. May the Lord bless you.

B0Z said...

Well, daughter...the day is almost here. I am so very proud of you and I know the Lord will use you to bring light into someone's life.

Licia said...

You had it right, Jason. No umlauts necessary. :-) I look forward to sharing the work in Germany with all of you. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!

Licia said...

Jessica, thanks so much for reading the blog. I miss all of you in Searcy, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Hope everything's going well for you!