Monday, October 09, 2006

What a weekend....

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." --Romans 1:20

This has been a very full weekend. I'm trying to visit as many family members as possible before leaving next week, so yesterday we spent the day in eastern Kentucky at my mom's dad and stepmom's house. We had to take two cars because Matt and Jacob's girlfriend, Candace, came with us, and one of those cars happened to be mine, so I drove. It's about a two and a half hour trip one way, but it's BEAUTIFUL this time of year. We have to drive through part of Daniel Boone National Forest to get to my grandparents' house, and as we weaved in and out of the hills, it looked like someone had splashed a new autumnal portrait on each hillside. The lakes were crystal clear, and the reflection of the leaves on the water made the whole scene even prettier. Even though the leaves won't reach their peak for probably another week or so, you can definitely tell that fall is here.

Mom's oldest brother and his wife and daughter were there along with mom's sister and her daughter. Mom's other brother's family lives in Texas, and her sister's husband had to work, so they weren't there, but Papaw's twin sister came, and so did their only surviving brother and his wife, as well as one of mom's cousins. We all had lunch and then played a few games of cornhole. I had never heard of this game until summer this year when my family talked about playing it. Essentially it's like horseshoes, only instead of throwing horseshoes at a post you throw bags of corn at a wooden box with a hole in the top of it. I discovered once again that, while I had fun and enjoyed the time with family, God did not bless me with athletic ability. :-)

As the afternoon was winding down, I walked down the hill toward the pond in front of Papaw's house and stood for a little while, just watching. We usually can see a few fish jumping to catch bugs, but yesterday the water was calm. As the sun began to find its way back home and the first hints of dusk rolled in, a quiet breeze gently rippled the pond's surface. I thought of Genesis 1:2 when "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Surely the Beginning had to be something like the peace I was experiencing.

I drove again on the way home, and that trip through the hills was even more magnificent than the one earlier in the day because the sun was setting. The hues of the sunset blended with those of the trees to create a visual symphony that ebbed and flowed with each twist of the road. I thought of Romans 1:20. Only God's "eternal power and divine nature" could have created something so magnificent. How can anyone look at the world around them and not see God's majesty? According to Paul in Romans, they can't.

After a long day, it was nice to get some sleep. The night was short, though, because at a little past 5:30 this morning, we awoke to a phone call from a county dispatcher asking us to verify an address because she thought our neighbor's house was on fire. My mom ran outside to check, and sure enough, smoke was billowing from the back of the house next door. A police officer was already there, and the family was outside in their driveway. Yvonne, the wife, was very distraught and kept trying to walk away, so my dad caught up with her to attempt to console her. The lone police officer was shortly joined by at least 4 fire engines, an ambulance, and several county sheriff cars. Mom gave Yvonne a coat, and we took her inside our house to try to comfort her while the fire crews went to work and Dad stayed outside with Brice, Yvonne's husband. For awhile the three of us just sat in the living room, not talking much. After a bit of small talk about the situation, Yvonne looked straight at me and said through soft tears, "Never leave the Lord. Never leave the Lord because you make bad decisions when you do." I just nodded because I had no idea what to say.

The firemen were able to contain the fire to one side of the basement, so the house was saved. The family won't be able to live there for awhile, though, due to the damage done by the smoke that filled the house. A representative from the Red Cross came into our house and offered Yvonne assistance, which she ended up taking, so they do have a place to stay for now as well as food and clothing. Please pray for Brice, Yvonne, and their son, Jack, as they try to move on with their lives.

What I will remember most about the situation is not the abrupt end to sleep, the street full of emergency personnel, or the billowing smoke; it's Yvonne's comment to me in the living room. I don't know exactly what prompted the comment, but it was definitely heart-felt. Her words were so simple but so true, so decisive. Who would think that I, the one preparing to go to Germany next week to do mission work, would be in danger of leaving the Lord anytime soon? It made me think anyway, though.

Before Yvonne left, my dad asked if we could pray with and for her, and she agreed. I believe the Lord puts you where He wants you when He wants you to be there, and I think today was one of those times. Hopefully we were able to show Brice and Yvonne a little bit of Jesus' love, and I pray the Lord helps that seed of love grow to become a greater faith.

You know, you don't have to go to Germany or anywhere else to be a missionary; just live your life and take the opportunities God presents in your own neighborhood. Or even right next door.

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