Thursday, April 10, 2008 stay...awake....

I'm way too tired to do a full post tonight, but I wanted to go ahead and let you all know that we made it back from Gemünden on Sunday evening. We had a great week, and tomorrow (I PROMISE!) I'll post more about it.

I think I got behind on sleep last week, and I'm still not caught up. Last night I got almost 10 hours of sleep and still fell asleep on the streetcar on the way to Elsa's this afternoon. I probably would have missed my stop if I had not heard my name and opened my eyes to see a woman from church sitting across the aisle grinning at me.

Okay, I've made it to 10:00, so I think it's safe to head to bed now without risking waking up at 4 AM.

Gute Nacht und süβe Träume.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I miss you!

You should come back to the library next year... because apparently Aaron is going to law school. Or something.

Hope all is well!