Thursday, January 04, 2007

Always on the go....

Despite the fact that the Springers have been in Switzerland visiting their daughter and her family since Saturday, I've been busy this week.

A few weeks ago, Sylvia, a woman who's been visiting the church for a couple years now, asked me about my reasons for being in Bremen. I guess I thought she already knew, so I was a little surprised she asked. When I explained that I was working with the Springers and that we would be advertising for English Bible studies in January, she said she thought the Bible studies were a great idea; people could practice their English and learn more about the Bible at the same time.

I first met Sylvia a year ago when the Abercrombies and I were here visiting, and from the get-go she wanted any conversations with me to be bilingual: she would speak only in English while I would speak only in German. She thought it would be a great way for both of us to practice and help each other at the same time, and that is still how we talk with each other. From what I can tell, her English is at about the same level as my German. Recently she approached me again and said she is interested in beginning a Bible study with me. When I first arrived I suppose I figured I would be meeting new people when I began the Bible studies, but I think it's wonderful that I'll have the opportunity to study with Sylvia. Lately she has been asking a lot of questions and has expressed an interest in learning more about the Bible, so I think it will help her a lot to have someone study the Bible one-on-one with her.

So, this week I'm preparing for the studies with Sylvia, which hopefully will begin next week. This is the main thing I came here to do, so I'm really excited to get started on it. I'll be using the materials we used during the campaign, which Jim designed, but I'm adapting them to fit a longer term study catered to the questions Sylvia has been asking. Please pray for both of us as we begin studying the Word together. Please pray that God will give me the words with which to answer her questions and that she can get to know Jesus.

Sylvia and me, New Year's Day 2006.

Also this week I'm spending concentrated time on my German studies. When the new term starts in February I'll be able to take a German class, and next week I'll take a test to determine which class they'll place me in. While I know my German has improved a lot even since I arrived in October, it's been over 3 1/2 years since I last took a German class, and I'm a wee bit nervous. By this point, though, I've learned that I can make it through all sorts of things I'm nervous about, so I'm sure (or I hope!) it's not too bad.

This afternoon I'm taking a train to Cologne. Mark and Karen left on Tuesday to attend a seminar at the church there, and they called me Monday night to ask if I wanted to come along. I decided I couldn't stay the whole week like they planned, so I called the preacher in Cologne and asked if it was okay for me to only come for a couple days. He said that would be fine and that he'd meet me at the train station. An American (I can't exactly remember his name right now) is speaking at the seminar, so at least I'll be able to understand everything this time! I'll be sure to comment after we get back on Saturday afternoon.

So, the first week of 2007 is turning out to be a busy one. I pray that your year is getting off to a good start, and I hope you're keeping any New Year's resolutions you may have made (more on mine later). Enjoy the rest of the week!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how God works! You will have the opportunity to study with Sylvia who is becoming a friend and German mentor for you. You in turn can share God's love with her. Our prayers are with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey friend! Just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers! :)